Jan 3, 2023
World Bank
According to a report given by the World Bank Group, Solar Mini Grids are capable of providing high-quality uninterrupted electricity to nearly half a billion people by 2030.
Solar Mini Grids are a "core solution" for closing the energy access gap and the cost of electricity generation has also declined from $ 0.55 per KWh in 2018 to $ 0.33 per KWh, now. According to a report given by the World Bank Group, Solar Mini Grids are capable of providing high-quality uninterrupted electricity to nearly half a billion people by 2030. This world requires over 217,000 Solar Mini Grids at an accumulated cost of $127 billion by 2030.
Solar Mini Grids are solar electricity power generation units and distribution systems that supply and meet the power needs of a remote settlement(Town or City) comprising hundreds and thousands of customers, who are isolated from the main grids. These Solar Mini Grids supply power to households, businesses, public institutions, and anchor clients like telecom towers and agriculture processing units, etc.
Currently, 48 million people are connected to 21,500 mini grids and at this current pace, only 44,800 new Solar Mini Grids could be built which will power around 80 million people at an investment of $37 billion by 2030.
ESMAP(Energy Sector Management Assistance Program) a part of the World Bank's projection stated that there are currently 29,400 Solar Mini Grids planners, out of which 95%are in Africa and South Asia also including 99% of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) installations providing power to over 30 million people for $9:billion.
Produced by the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), the new book, Mini Grids for Half a Billion People: Market Outlook and Handbook for Decision Makers, identifies five market drivers to set the mini-grid sector to achieve full market potential and Universal electrification:
Reducing the cost of electricity by $0.20KWh by 2030, which would power half a billion lives for just $10 per month.
Increasing the pace of deployment to 2,000 mini-grids per country per year.
Providing superior quality service to customers and communities by providing reliable electricity for 3 million income-generating appliances and machines and 200,000 schools and clinics.
Raising development partner funding and government investment to “crowd in” private-sector finance, raising $127 billion investment for mini-grids by 2030.
Enabling mini-grid business environments in key access-deficit countries through light-handed and adaptive regulations, supportive policies, and reductions in bureaucratic red tape.
These Solar Mini Grids could mitigate about 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually which greatly contributes to the global cause of reducing greenhouse gas and its effects on global climate change.
FORCE is an energy-saving device of ENPOSS that can be installed in the facilities that receive power from the Solar Mini Grids to save electricity by increasing the flow of electricity and reducing the loss of energy.