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US-Israel Collaborate for Energy Efficiency

Dec 30, 2022

The United States has partnered with Israel to support industrial research and development as part of a collaboration known as BIRD Energy, or the Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation Energy Program.

In a laudable example of international co-operation in the energy sector, the United States has partnered with Israel to support industrial research and development as part of a collaboration known as BIRD Energy, or the Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation Energy Program. To help both countries develop the solutions needed to advance a global clean energy transition, BIRD Energy provides funding for initiatives focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, natural gas and energy-water technologies, like hydropower. Some of the initiatives taken by BIRD include the following:

  1. Ice Battery Technology for Energy Efficiency

    Israeli-based company, Nostromo, and Centrica Business Solutions US, Inc. in Bellevue, Washington teamed up to develop IceBrick, an energy storage solution using ice. This system will cost half as much as Li-ion systems and won't utilize any rare or poisonous materials. The IceBrick is an environmentally sustainable way to shift the grid's peak demand from high noon to the dead of the night, storing energy when there is a surplus in power production capabilities and discharge it when the demand is rising and resources are scarce.

  2. Fast Charge Points for EVs

    As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure law, President Biden has decided to make EVs and public charging points more plentiful and more accessible. Chakratec’s (Lod, Israel) and Blink Charging Co. 's (Miami Beach, Florida) are designing chargers that will be able to charge EVs in just 15 minutes. This innovation could be instrumental in areas with high traffic and weak power grids. 

  3. Energy Efficiency in Food and Beverage Industry

    EcoPlant Technological Innovation Ltd. in Israel and Atlas Machine and Supply, Inc. out of Louisville, Kentucky are working in tandem to trim energy needs associated with product filling, sorting and packaging which account for an overall 10-30% of energy use in the food and beverage industry. 

The latest research by Fraunhofer, a German public institute, shows that energy savings have become more attractive economically as energy prices rise. Collaborations such as the BIRD initiative could be key to increasing international energy saving ambitions. Shaving off even a small amount from your utility bill can go a long way, and the power saving device FORCE is here to help you achieve the same. 

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