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Cuba Faces Nationwide Blackout Amid Energy Crisis

Oct 18, 2024


Decaying Infrastructure, Soaring Demand, and Fuel Shortages Plunge Cuba into Darkness and a Power Saving Solution

The government of Cuba had announced that all non-essential services and businesses would be shut down for three days due to a severe energy crisis. A nationwide blackout hit on Friday, following extended power outages that have plagued much of the country. Prime Minister Manuel Marrero said the government had no choice but to "paralyse the economy," with schools, cultural activities, and recreation centers closed until Monday.

The source of the crisis is decaying infrastructure, soaring energy demand, and acute fuel shortages. Venezuelan oil support was always crucial for Cuba, where President Miguel Diaz-Canel blamed U.S. sanctions for complicating fuel imports.

In other areas of Havana, some towns have gone up to 18 hours in a day without electricity due to fuel stoppages initiated by Hurricane Milton. The two main power plants are churning out just half of their capacity, while Turkish power ships, which supplement some of the electricity, have stopped operation as well due to fuel supply.

Officials claim things will improve shortly, but the energy shortage has made millions' lives miserable due to shortages in food, water, and medicine. Over 600,000 people can't have running water every day, and crime rates soar apparently due to a new strain of marijuana-based drug.

Energy crises are prevaling all over the world due to many reasons. Power blackouts have become so common, and it is worrisome about critical places such as hospitals running without power. Imagine a future of no reliable light and power—it's now all the more important to streamline electricity usage and safeguard energy for the future. And as demand keeps climbing, saving power is critical for sustainability. ENPOSS, the solution is FORCE, a power-saving device that helps you conserve energy. Reach us for more information.

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