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ENPOSS, a power-saving device manufacturer, obtains green certification

Apr 18, 2024

Kookmin Ilbo

Energy Saving Technology that Optimizes the Power of Ship Generators

ENPOSS Co., Ltd., led by CEO Seong-Kwon Choi, announced on the 18th that its power-saving device, ‘Force,’ received green certification last month. This certification recognizes its innovative technology designed to optimize the power efficiency of ship generators.


Green certification is a system that recognizes and supports promising eco-friendly technologies in line with the Carbon Neutral Framework Act. ENPOSS's energy-saving technology has reduced the fuel consumption rate of ship generators by more than 10%. It is expected to contribute greatly to lowering ship fuel energy, resource utilization, and reducing carbon emissions from ships in the future.


Accordingly, ENPOSS was awarded a green technology certificate and Green-technology product confirmation from the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries.

ENPOSS's energy-saving device uses a natural stone called tourmaline to artificially increase the density of electrons to improve electrical conductivity. This reduces electricity loss and saves power. The device also improves impedance, harmonic distortion, heat, and vibration to extend the life of connected equipment.


ENPOSS is carrying out the ‘Share Electricity, Share Love’ campaign with the Kookmin Ilbo to distribute energy-saving devices to Korean churches, reduce the burden on each church by reducing electricity bills, and use this for missionary expenses.


Reporter Jeon Byeong-Seon /


[Excerpt from Kookmin Ilbo]

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