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GHGs Trap 50% More Heat in 2021

Sep 16, 2022


Roughly 36 billion metric tons of CO2 are emitted each year by numerous industries - transportation, cement manufacturing, electrical generation, agriculture, deforestation,, and other practices.

An alarming fact was recently uncovered by a study conducted at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA. GHG pollution caused by human activities trapped 49% more heat in the atmosphere in 2021 than it did in 1990, as attested by NOAA scientists. NOAA’s Annual Greenhouse Gas Index is known as the AGGI. This index tracks the surge in the warming influence of human emissions of heat-trapping gasses- carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and 16 other chemicals. Put simply, this index directly signifies the rate of global warming.

A series of complex mathematical calculations, study of the rate of change and comparison with previous years has yielded this troublesome figure. The biggest culprit that contributed to this enormous figure was CO2. Roughly 36 billion metric tons of CO2 are emitted each year by numerous industries - transportation, cement manufacturing, electrical generation, agriculture, deforestation,, and other practices. A sizable fraction of CO2 emitted today is projected to persist in the atmosphere for more than 1,000 years. Methane emerged as the second contributing GHG, followed by Nitrous Oxide at third. These figures have proved to be worrisome for climate scientists and world governments.

“The transition to decarbonised electricity is fundamental to achieving an effective transition to net zero emissions globally,” says Rob Kelly, industry lead for the Climateworks Center, a non-profit organization that develops independent solutions to drive the net zero transition.

Usage of clean renewable energy and energy efficiency, thereby reducing one's carbon footprint is not only a great ally for nations and economies to tackle the climate change conundrum, but it also emerges as a means to ensure reliance and autonomy for countries. Energy saving device FORCE accounts for an impressive 18,000 tonnes of CO2 reduced each year. Employ FORCE today to do your bit in easing the global warming crisis, while saving energy and money as well!

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